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In reply to Sebastian Kurz interjection: No to forced relocation of job seekers!
(Vienna, January 21, 2020) “The repeated attacks against fellow citizens looking for work, in violation of the constitution and human rights,
Second and Third Trade Union Congress on Job Placement Issues
Second trade union congress, Christmas 1896
Reply to Labor Minister Kocher: More binding force on fundamental and human rights!
Active unemployed Austria demand the abolition of the withdrawal barriers as well as restoration of the self-administration of the unemployme
Heimarbeitsgesetz-Pfusch: Zurück an den Start bitte!
"It is downright adventurous how the conservative and green government wants to whip through the National Council a completely deficient legis
Action week: Unemployment benefits up to 80%!
Active Unemployed Austria calls for supportof the campaign!
Open letter from the unemployment initiatives: suspension of sanctions - Corona - COVID-19
Dear BMin Christine Aschbacher,
Dear BM Rudolf Anschober,
Dear AMS board member Herbert Buchinger
Dear AMS board member Johannes Kopf
Graz, April 7th, 2020
Suspension of sanctions
Application to AK Wien: No to the massive deterioration in disability pensions!
Since January 1, 2013, the pension advance for ongoing disability pension proceedings has been limited to 2 months (from 2013: 3 months), even
Demands on the "Second Labor Market"
Extracted from Position Paper No. 1 ": End of the line "Second job market"?