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Open letter from the unemployment initiatives: suspension of sanctions - Corona - COVID-19
Dear BMin Christine Aschbacher,
Dear BM Rudolf Anschober,
Dear AMS board member Herbert Buchinger
Dear AMS board member Johannes Kopf
Graz, April 7th, 2020
Suspension of sanctions
The Aryanization of Porr AG and its Profitable Participation in National Socialism - First Investigation Results
Translation by our own - no guarantee!
NS Camp Graz-Liebenau: Stopp concreting over the NS camp and its victims!
Open letter of ‘Active Unemployed Austria’ to the world-wide community - Please support our online petition and make own complaints!
Dear Sir / Madam,
Dear people in the community,
we turn to you in a matter which becomes increasingly urgent and call for your support!
NS Camp Graz-Liebenau: Petition against concreting over the NS camp and its victims starts
‘Aktive Arbeitslose Austria’ demand an immediate stop of the building project and
Alois Stöger’s Bad Christmas Surprise for the Unemployed: PES Is Allowed to Hunt for People in Putative Relationships in the Register of Residents by means of Connection Queries
(Vienna/Graz, 20th December, 2016) Today the Bundesrat has passed an amendment for the Labour Market Service Act and for the Unem
Means-tested Minimum Income: A General Federal Law Now Instead Of Surrender To The destructive Forces!
(Vienna, 11th November 2016) Christian Kern has given away the “last chance” he swore on oath when he assumed office by