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Achieving more together: the sense of membership

Submitted by Aktive Arbeits… on Sun, 21.02.2021 - 15:39

We are the largest independent unemployed SELF organization in Austria. We want to take our fate into our own hands and no longer allow ourselves to be "represented" by foreign, party-dependent professional functionaries. We want to support each other through mutual help and so to free ourselves from the immaturity we have endured (see Immanuel Kant: What is Enlightenment).

The current political development, the massive "shift to the right" shows quite clearly that it no longer makes sense to remain calm, to just crouch down and to believe that you can just muddle through on your own in the long run.

Your membership strengthens us in building an independent and effective unemployed or basic unemployed union!

What is possible in the association on the principle of RECIPROCITY:

  • Legal advice from those affected for those affected (within the scope of our possibilities, we all work on a VOLUNTEER basis, i.e. unpaid!)
  • Support on a case-by-case basis when appealing against AMS notifications and minimum income support notices (within the scope of our possibilities)
  • Intervention at the AMS case by case and support during AMS appointments
  • Electronic newsletter with current information and schedule information
  • Participation in the internal flow of information and participation via internal mailing lists
  • Full usage options on the new homepage (including bonus material that is still to come)
  • Opportunity to have a say in and participate in political, social, cultural and sporting activities of the association
  • Representation of interests towards the AMS and politics

Urgent note: Since we all work on a voluntary basis on the principle of reciprocity, there is of course no legal right to service. The association itself only offers the infrastructure between its members! The aim is to give impetus for self-help and the common struggle for our rights!

Only together can we achieve more!

With a membership and active participation, you support our voluntary commitment, which includes the following activities:

  • Research, processing and dissemination of information about the rights of people looking for work as well as the violation of these rights by the prevailing labor market and social policy or their executive bodies (AMS, minimum security authorities)
  • Information and press work to educate the public who can be reached about abuses in "labor market policy" and about the concerns of unemployed people
  • Political work, promoting the self-empowerment of unemployed people, including participation in various political initiatives and platforms
  • Human rights work on "social human rights" and democratization of the economy and society
  • Addressing poverty through the unjust distribution of the wealth of society as well as alternatives to the prevailing economic and social policy
  • Regional, national and international networking with other civil society initiatives
  • Here's what you can do to support the common cause:
  • Respectful interaction with one another, according to our self-image!
  • Active information acquisition, independent use of the prepared (legal) information before help is sought from others.
  • Pass on your own experiences and information! Copy all documents and pass them on to us (anonymously). Write experience reports (memory protocols).
  • Accompany other members on their way to the authorities
  • Sign online petitions / signatures
  • Share news on social media (facebook, twitter)
  • Come to club meetings and actively participate, also support the activities of others!
  • Recruit new members!
  • Contribute your own interests and talents. There are many ways to do this!

Membership fee: only 20 euros per calendar year (full earners with over 1,600 euros net per month: 35 euros per year)

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